Beliavsky Wave



Here are the hypotheses that offer an explanation
of some natural phenomena on the basis of
Pressure Gradient Elastic Waves

Accumulation of energy in atmospheric vortexes


Vortex flows (e.g. tornados) accumulate much kinetic energy from the Earth’s atmosphere.
Presumably, the source of this energy is the thermal energy of air streams, which are sucked into the central zone of the vortex.
Tornado generates a powerful sound. Rotation generates a pressure gradient.
In these circumstances
the Pressure Gradient Elastic Waves should arise.
PGEW transfer energy from the center to the periphery of the vortex.
On the outer boundary of a vortex
the rotation and pressure-gradient are decreased .
Pressure Gradient Elastic Waves dissipate and the energy of the PGEW is transformed into the kinetic energy of rotating air streams.

The temperature rise phenomenon inside the solar “atmosphere” with increasing distance from the sun center.

The temperature in the central zone of the sun is extremely high. With distance from the central zone, the temperature decreases. Inside the photosphere (the bottom layer of the Sun atmosphere) the temperature is found to be about
~ 5800 K.
Paradoxically, in the upper layers the temperature increases again. In the chromosphere (the next layer of the solar atmosphere), the temperature increases with increasing altitude from 4400K to 25000K.‎

solar flares

Today’s knowledge allows us to assert that the solar atmosphere contains:          ‎         powerful magnetic fields,
     intense streams of solar plasma
     and powerful sound waves.
Possibly occurring Pressure Gradient Elastic Waves transfer heat to the upper layers of the solar atmosphere.
          Solar “sound” generates PGEWs.
          Plasma flows interact with the magnetic field. 
          The Lorentz forces arising in this case can be directed upward from the solar           center. 
If the vertical component of these forces exceeds the force of gravity, part of the solar atmosphere may rearrange itself so that the pressure increases with increasing altitude.
Under these conditions, Pressure Gradient Elastic Waves can transfer heat to the upper layers of the solar atmosphere.‎